Fifty Years

This past June marked our 38th Summer here at  Camp as well as our
fiftieth wedding anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, Dale and
 I decided that we would add something beautiful and lasting to Camp. 
It was Edmond Morris, father of the turn-of-the-century Arts & Craft
 movement, who said :

 "Have nothing in your home that is not useful or which you believe to be beautiful"

And so after a great deal of research we ordered a custom, handmade,
solid six lite wooden door.Long-time carpenter & friend, Doug
 Cameron and I spent the day installing this wonderful example of
Northwest craftsmanship. I had devoted the better part of the previous
 month carefully sanding and applying a total of four coats of marine
 spar varnish and the result is truly the most beautiful entry way door
 that I have ever seen.