Sean Rowe's "The Wall"

Every once in a while we hear a piece of music that seems to touch both our head as well as our heart.
Sean Rowe's "The Wall" is such a song. Having initially only heard the last few bars of the song I emediately began to search out the full song, lyrics and the song writer.  Consider if you will;


Blue Barn Collectibles

In her retirement, my wife Dale has opened an online vintage store; Blue Barn Collectibles. Here are her guiding principles;

After more than 50 years in the working world, my preparation for the next steps in life’s journey include some inevitable downsizing (one reason for my Etsy vintage shop) and a deep desire to stay active and to pursue new experiences and new challenges.

Robert Fulghum wrote the famous book; "All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten". I can’t think of a better basis for setting my Etsy Shop Policies than
borrowing from his simple yet thoughtful outlook on life:

Share everything: I will always share all that I know about vintage items being sold

Play Fair: Prices will always reflect what I believe to be true value 

Don't hit people: I will be honest and fair in all my transactions 

Put things back where you found them: My shipping will be Eco-friendly

Clean up your own mess: If I make a mistake I will try my best to fix it

Don't take things that aren't yours: I will strive to offer true vintage items only

Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody: If you are unhappy let me know

Wash your hands before you eat: My shop & my home are both non-smoking

Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you: Shop closed for tea-time daily

Live a balanced life: learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and 
dance and play and work every day some: 

If you see my Etsy “Vacation” sign up, I’ll be missing for a while......but will be back with tales to tell!! 

Take a nap every afternoon..... And then eat dinner by candle light

When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together: I will try to foster a spirit of comradary with other shops 

Be aware of wonder: I continue to be amazed by the people and shops here!

And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK:

"There are many things in life that will catch your eye,
but only a few will catch your heart....pursue those."

Adapted from : © Robert Fulghum, 1990. 
Found in Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, Villard Books: New York, 1990, page 6-7.